Teslas Electrodynamics

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newBookmarkLockedFalling JAPAN QUAKE Was it Tesla Stuff?
Daniel 0 416 by Daniel
Feb 11, 2012 18:24:48 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling TEBA ORGANIZATION
Daniel 1 272 by the pump monster
Nov 2, 2011 12:57:07 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling Tesla Bio Video
Daniel 2 347 by esther
Mar 19, 2011 13:52:43 GMT -5


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Teslas Electrodynamics
Talk here is nominal general, of the only man of the hour. His bio, all his electricity power invention stuff. Please use Seperate proboards for posting new common categorys of his, including stuff on the catholic church his persecutions by JP Morgan Monster. You know, the guy that sunk the titanic! - to get the money...!!! Please use this board for his electrical knowledges of his own inventions of power. The Normal electrical devices, leave them to other new boards that you would create of for them seperate please. Titanic is one of those..! Remember, only Tesla electrodynamic topic devices on this board.... Includes his engines and turbines yes. Anything related to the same types, such as electricity, may so be posted on this board. Other electrical devices such as computers, toasters, heaters, lights, or anything other of same normal electricity, may be posted to the new category new threads on this section of Tesla, under Tesla title, but not inside Electrodynamics. Microwaves should be on this board also as it refered to his wireless technology. Same as cell phones. The other such normals as toasters etc, must contain its own title category new thread... As he was the true inventor of electricity all together, and wireless, not Thomas Edison.. Edison was just a crutch name used by Costner, in a movie named the BodyGuard, to foul up the administration of the estate. Thank you Costner, for pointing it out to us.
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